Get Information From Avast Boot Scan Log

One of the most important features of Avast Antivirus is the ability to organize Boot-Time Scan in case of suspicion of risk for the OS. As a result, during the launch of your gadget, it will scan for various hazards and, if detected, remove them before starting the OS.

As described above, this function is used if you think there are possible threats in the system. It may take a certain amount of time to start Boot-Time Scan. Not being able to run automatically means that manually scheduling is necessary.

Nevertheless, before start, it’s necessary to familiarize yourself with the specifics of this function and the process of responding to the found threats. The purpose of our article is to disclose these aspects together with the avast boot scan log.

Responding to the Found Issue

To specify the steps that function will take during the detection of threats, it is necessary to allow automatic operations or not. Using these actions, function will automatically apply them to all noticed hazards. At the same time, turning off automatic actions helps to select a specific actions for the detected hazards.

Setting Boot-Time Scan Log organizing requires the following steps:

  • Opening the user interface ▶ Protection ▶ Virus Scans.
  • ▶ Setting.
  • ▶ Boot-Time Scan.
  • ▶ Perform automatic actions. There you can turn off automatic actions, unticking the option, or do opposite steps to enable this.
  • In the second case, your task is to select the automatic action, which includes fixing, moving to the Virus Chest and deleting.

First of all, you should try to choose Fix automatically. This option implies an attempt to save the document. If the latter is unsuccessful, Avast Antivirus moves it to Virus Chest or, as a last resort, deletes.

Virus Chest. The file has no way to damage OS.

Deleting. The program moves the harmful file from your gadget.

During the work of scan, the program’s response to malware is in line with the user’s preferences.


When you are done with the specifying of responding phase, proceed to the following.

Firstly, it is necessary to find tab that is called Boot-Time Scan as it was done earlier.

After that, your task is to push Install specialized definitions and then Run On Next PC Reboot.

Restart a computer. During this, you will see the progress.

The specified actions will be applied during the detection of various threats. If automatic actions are allowed, the application will eliminate a malware without requiring user’s participation. Otherwise, you should select actions in accordance with the settings.

In fact, the scanning process often takes some time. However, the latter is influenced by such individual factors as the speed of OS and amount of examined documents.

Viewing Results

The program automatically creates an avast boot scan log. The latter is a repository of information about the scan types, the launch date and of course the results. You can easily find a button called Show Results after the scanning is finished. However, to familiarize with the results of earlier processes, you should access the avast boot scan log using the History window.

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